"Follow the Chickadees" -- this advice paid off for us at our club meet-up at Arcadia this weekend (September 4, 2021)! We saw the beginnings of migrant birds making their way back, and they were hanging out with our locals, Black-capped Chickadees and Tufted Titmice. Warblers and vireos were darting around the trees all around us, stocking up on food before continuing their journey. In one of our photos can you find the well-hidden Red-eyed Vireo staring down the camera (see third photo)? 👀 We walked out to where the Mill River feeds the Oxbow of the Connecticut River and found some herons and a migrating Great Egret. A super distant American Kestrel perched high up on a dead tree and preened. On the way back we ran into some young Eastern Bluebirds hunting for grub, a surprise Scarlet Tanager, and many more birds that showed up as we had to leave. Wished we could have stayed longer! Thanks to the staff at Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary for welcoming us. Thanks to near-peer mentors Andrea and Meghadeepa for coming out to help! Picture descriptions: (1) An attendee looks out with binoculars at an open field under a bright blue sky dotted with white clouds while club mentor Andrea reacts to a picture of a blurry bird. (2) A large white wading bird, a Great Egret, stands atop a fallen tree trunk surveying the water below for food. (3) a canopy of green with a small bird with a black eye-stripe peering out from the background.
Altogether, we saw 44 different species of birds (eBird Checklist here). We hope you can join us on one of our upcoming events!